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A Boid environment is a collection of individual packages. There can only be one version of a package installed in an environment, but Boid allows you to maintain multiple environments and activate different ones as needed, which allows you to have multiple non-conflicting versions of the same package installed on your system.


The Boid Environment object is actually the environment manager.

Boid Environment := Object clone do(

Each environment has its own directory within Boid’s directory. This method returns a List of Directory objects for all of the environment directories, except for the symlink to the active environment.

Environment directories have this structure:


The bin/ directory is where executable files go, and the io/ directory is where Io source files go. The active symlink in the Boid directory points to the active environment’s directory, and the Boid setup script adds ~/.boid/active/bin to your PATH and ~/boid/active/io to your IOIMPORT.

  directories := method(
    Directory with(Boid boidDir path) directories select(d, d name != "active"))

A new environment is created by creating a new directory in the Boid directory. Then, the bin/ and io/ files are created in the directory of the newly created environment.

  create := method(envName,
    env := Directory with(Boid boidDir path .. "/" .. envName)
    if(env exists,
      BoidError raise("#{envName} environment already exists" interpolate))
    env create
    if(env exists not,
      BoidError raise("could not create #{envName} environment" interpolate))
    Directory with(env path .. "/bin") create
    Directory with(env path .. "/io") create)

To destroy an environment, all that needs to happen is the erasure of its directory. Destroying the active environment is not permitted.

  destroy := method(envName,
    env := Directory with(Boid boidDir path .. "/" .. envName)
    if(env exists not,
      BoidError raise("#{envName} environment does not exist" interpolate))
    if(env at(".active"),
      BoidError raise("can not destroy the active environment"))
    if(System runCommand("rm -rf #{env path}" interpolate) exitStatus > 0,
      BoidError raise("could not destroy #{envName} environment" interpolate)))

A Directory object for the active environment is returned by the active method.

  active := method(Directory with(Boid boidDir path .. "/active"))

Switching the active environment is a little trickier. The active environment also has a file called .active placed in it, so that the name of the active environment can be found.

  use := method(envName,
    env := Directory with(Boid boidDir path .. "/" .. envName)
    if(env exists not,
      BoidError raise("#{envName} environment does not exist" interpolate))

First the .active file needs to be removed.

    File with(active path .. "/.active") remove

Then the symlink to the active environment is removed.

    active remove
    if(active exists,
      BoidError raise("could not remove symbolic link to active environment"))

Finally, a new symlink is created to the new active environment.

    if(System runCommand("ln -s #{env path} #{active path}" interpolate) exitStatus > 0,
      BoidError raise("could not create symbolic link to active environment"))
    File with(active path .. "/.active") create))