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A Boid environment is a collection of packages. Eventually installable packages will include single Io source files, directories, and version control system checkouts.


The Boid Package object shows the minimum structure of descendant package protos.

Boid Package := Object clone do(

The canHandle method returns a boolean whether or not the package can handle a certain package spec.

  canHandle := method(spec, false)

The install method attempts to install the package according to its specification. A BoidError should be raised whenever a problem occurs, Boid fail should not be called directly.

  install := method(
    BoidError raise("packages of this type cannot yet be installed"))

Surprisingly, the uninstall method uninstalls a package.

  uninstall := method(
    BoidError raise("packages of this type cannot yet be uninstalled")))

Boid can install single-file packages, as long as they end with the .io file extension.

Boid FilePackage := Boid Package clone do(
  canHandle := method(spec,
    spec matchesRegex("^.*\.io$"))
  validates := method(spec,
    File with(spec) exists)
  isInstalled := method(spec,
    localFile := File with(spec)
    File with(Boid ioDir path .. "/" .. localFile name) exists)

Installation of a single-file package is pretty straightforward.

  install := method(spec,

The FilePackage object makes sure it recognizes the package spec it was given, and makes sure the file being installed actually exists and was not installed already.

    if(canHandle(spec) not,
      BoidError raise("`#{spec}' isn't recognized by #{type}" interpolate))
    if(validates(spec) not,
      BoidError raise("`#{spec}' does not exist" interpolate))
      BoidError raise("`#{spec}' is already installed" interpolate))

If everything goes well the Io source file is copied to the io/ directory in the active environment and the original source file is left where it is.

    localFile := File with(spec)
    pkgFile := File with(Boid ioDir path .. "/" .. localFile name)
    localFile copyToPath(pkgFile path)
    if(pkgFile exists not,
      BoidError raise("addition of `#{localFile name}' to active environment failed" interpolate))

When a single source file package is removed, it is just a matter of deleting the file from the io/ directory in the active environment.

  uninstall := method(spec,
    if(canHandle(spec) not,
      BoidError raise("`#{spec}' isn't recognized by #{type}" interpolate))
    if(isInstalled(spec) not,
      BoidError raise("`#{spec}' is not installed" interpolate))
    localFile := File with(spec)
    pkgFile := File with(Boid ioDir path .. "/" .. localFile name)
    pkgFile remove
    if(pkgFile exists,
      BoidError raise("removal of `#{localFile name}' from active environment failed" interpolate))

Available package handlers are kept in a list, ordered by priority from highest to lowest. Only the FilePackage single-file package handler is available currently.

Boid Package handlers := list(Boid FilePackage)